ILCN Norte Clinic
The ILCN Norte Clinic is a neuroscience institution devoted to patients (Children, Adolescents and Adults) with neurologic disturbances like motor or cognitive impairment, movement disorders, cognitive decline, behavioral dysfunction, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder syndrome, learning difficulties, developmental disorders (autistic spectrum disorders) and others.
There is a multidisciplinary team with expertise in neuro-rehabilitation, neurology, pediatrics, pneumology, child cardiology, orthopedics, neurophysiology, psychology, nursing, nutritionist, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychomotricity, kinesiotherapy and other complementary specialties including non invasive brain stimulation, ozonotherapy and traditional medicine approach.
The has facilities for inpatient and areas for application of therapies, ensuring comfort and the usual facilities.
Information available for consultation: