ILCN opened its second neurological rehabilitation clinic, at Campo Grande, 28 – 10º B, in Lisbon region, called "Tejo Clinic".

Telephone: (+351) 222 012 097  

Mobile:        (+351) 960 314 562

                    (+351) 960 314 565 




We are

At the service of people with neurological diseases, ILCN Luso-Cuban Neurology Institute – began activities in Portugal on September 30, 2013 by installing a Neurological Rehabilitation Clinic located at the Ordem do Carmo Hospital, in Porto.

ILCN develops its activity based on a mixed team of doctors, therapists and other health professionals, with extensive experience in multidisciplinary treatment of children and adults with various neurological pathologies.

This Portuguese and Cuban clinical team is advised by an international highly competent consultant and experienced clinical and research team, coordinated by Dr. Lazaro Alvarez, founder of CIREN, Havana.

ILCN neurological rehabilitation patients will have access to:

  • Neurological Rehabilitation programs - multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs, including methodologies with intensive care;
  • Technologies for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (Transcranial);
  • Diets that emphasize brain nutrition.

Our Message

The balanced application of rehabilitation, noninvasive brain stimulation and diets designed to promote synaptic plasticity and regain muscle mass is the novelty that distinguishes, in particular, ILCN Programs.

ILCN main purpose is to develop an efficient integrated system for the treatment of patients with neurological diseases. Our mission is to achieve this objective by ensuring maximum security and respect for the human integrity of the patient. ILCN shares the vision to ensure the continuous development regarding the following values: discipline, competence, ethics, professionalism and scientific rigor of their health professionals and leaders.